Do migrants in Europe age well? A mixed methods and intervention study in four countries.
Aging and international migration pose enormous challenges to Europe. For a sustainable future in terms of economics and the well-being of individuals, governments and welfare systems need to understand how to promote the aging well of the population. However, the unfolding of aging processes and the determinants of aging well of non-migrants people cannot be easily transferred to individuals with migration experience. The MIG-AGE project starts from this premises to explore with mixed-method research the experience of European aging migrant people. The experience of two different groups will be considered through a comparative approach: the labor migrants who moved from Italy and Turkey to the Netherlands and Germany and international retirement migrants from Germany and the Netherlands who move temporarily or permanently after they retire to Italy or Turkey. The four universities involved will adopt quantitative methodologies to explore the nexus between individual health and personal networks, and a qualitative approach to investigate the experience of aging, the needs, resources and strategies to cope with disadvantages and their impact in terms of social inequalities among the groups of migrants considered. The research findings will be used to design a culturally sensitive social intervention aimed at improving the well-being of older labor migrants from Turkey. All these research phases will become part of a visual documentary to narrate to a wider audience the results of the MIG-AGE project.