News & Events
Opening the fieldwork in Germany
On Friday evening, 3rd May 2024, the German team visited members of the Italian Catholic Mission in Nuremberg to present the MIG-AGE project to interested parties. Those present came to Germany as children or young adults and have since built a life for themselves in Germany. The event facilitated a lively exchange and offered those present the opportunity to get to know the interviewer Silvia Stefani, from the University of Genova, directly via video call and to talk about the project and the planned interviews.
Pilot interviews in Italy
The Italian research team started the fieldwork, testing the interview guide in a pilot interview. Francesca Lagomarsino and Silvia Stefani travelled to the rural inner region of Tuscany, to test it with a returned economic migrant. The national research teams are getting ready to start with the walking interviews phase, to disentangle ageing and migration in the qualitative experience of European migrants.
Opening the German Fieldwork.
Our teams of the University of Bamberg and of Genova are looking for retired Italians living in Nuremberg to envolve them in the Mig-Age research project.
Workshop on social networks and wellbeing of older adults.
Dec 2023
Basak Bilecen presents her research on the workshop organised by Prof. Lea Ellwardt in the University of Cologne.